Saturday, 31 December 2011

Good-bye 2011: Hello the end of the world

Hahahaha... so did that catch your attention?! I will not be commenting on my thoughts on the end being nye in the next twelve or so months, mostly because I haven't had the time to read all the huff and puff about it. Maybe one day when I have some time on my hands (2012 goal-to have more time on my hands), I will have a gander. But even in this last week off of work with no house projects left to complete (2011 goal tick- moved and settled into our house), I have found far more interest in looking at new shoes on Amazon :) And on the topic of ticking off the goals for 2011, here is what I have accomplished:

Finished up our house- well, the most of it. All main rooms are functioning, painted, and furnished- bar some wall decorations and a log-burner. As a home-owner there is always something to do, or so Craig keeps reminding me... like the garden, the flat roof, fixing the shower, the blah-de-blah this and the blah-de-blah that... and the list goes on and on. It looks like another goal for 2012 is: keep finishing the house, more specifically, I would like to finish decorating the dining room. Sounds easier than it is. I did manage to complete our Wall of Fame this past week and am really happy with the pics that we have: Flirts in the Tavern, Girls at the Cider Festival, Lucy and Craig, Corinne and me at Tower Bridge, Grad 2009, Richard in Craig's VW Beetle, Rob and Jackie canoeing on the river Wye, Paul's broken ankle off a grassboard in Wales, Greg and Kirsten and the Nowell Wedding, Si with shots for eyes, Edges at the foot of Robson, Edges and Abbotts' in Rhodes, Greece, Edges at Crescent Falls, Sisters in Jasper, Mr and Mr Edge on the top of Whistlers mountain in Jasper, Craig and my Dad and a handful of jackfish, and Nowells and Edges circa 1940.

Keep on camping: check 2011 and goal 2012. This year we ventured to one old-friendly and one new site in Devon. Thus, more specific goal for 2012: camp somewhere new... bonus points if I can have the trip organised for my birthday, and double bonus points if it involves some more trekking. More trekking because this was probably one of the highlights of the year: Snowdon in April and Three Peaks in June.

                                                               A park in Torquay

Work nearer to home. Well, I can now confirm this goal is now finalised and I will be working literally down the road starting in Feb. Hurrah!!!!! Same company + different department= making delicious! Goal 2012: get a bike and cycle to work.

Completed two half marathons this year: one in the heat of the summer where I learned why you train for a half marathon (lost my mojo a bit this year, so hadn't ran the distance before the race). The reason why you train by running the distance is so you don't shock your quads by dousing them in lactic acid. I felt the burn and the burn lasted a week! Bonus marks, though for cutting 10 minutes off my time from the previous year. The second half I completed this year was in October and I cut my time again by another 6 minutes coming in at 1hr 57 min! Oh yea! Top tip here was the banana/choccie bar/ energy drink combo 30 minutes before starting. Goal 2012: join a running club to keep me motivated. Speed goal: run 10km in 50 minutes.

Got home to Canada this past year and it was lovely to see my family.
Host Christmas: didn't happen (can't win everything). Maybe next year? Don't know. Goal 2012: Host Thanksgiving on time.

And speaking of time: Complete blog entries on time: Missed out one month. booo... but doubled up this month to compensate.

So, what can I look forwards to achieving in the next year. Please feel free to join in when you can!
Have more time on my hands
Finish decorating the dining room
Camp somewhere new
Trek somewhere new
Holiday somewhere new and get a new stamp in my passport (from a new country)
Cycle to work
Join a running club
Run 10km in 50 minutes
Run a half-marathon in under 2 hours
Host Thanksgiving
Get driving (because I will have more time on my hands)
Get baking (ditto)
See my sisters

Happy New Year!

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