A question that kept coming up when I was in Edmonton earlier this month was 'Are people in England excited about the Royal Wedding?', and my answer at the time, was uncertain. There has been a lot of publicity and controversy around the event, and most of the people about me seemed to be happy for the couple, not so bothered about watching it on TV or having a great British street party. I felt somewhat similar... excited about the hype; uncertain if I should make a trek to London to join in the festivities. That was until the few days before the actual wedding... and a lot of my colleagues in particular seemed to feel the same. I actually felt a bit regretful, envious, and panicked that I hadn't planned anything, or even bought a commemorative tea set to show the grand kids one day. Nonetheless, I stayed in Brum, spoke with my Mom up until the ceremony, and watched a solid 2 hours of events on television with Craig's Mum (again, contemplating if I should take photos of the TV events for my grand kids to see one day... I didn't). So to answer your questions, Yes, people in England were excited about the Royal Wedding; it just took some time to get it into their heads.
One reason why I didn't make the trek to London was that we had gone to Wales the weekend before to climb the 'mountain': and I can confess, it was a mountain at about 1100 meters. Not comparable to the Rockies, but still a challenging climb. We arrived in Betswy-coed on the Friday with beautiful sunny weather, which was perfect for some footie, Frisbee, cricket, and cans, and a good forecast for the next few days. On Saturday 17 of us (including Josh (4) and Ellie (7)) climbed up Snowdon for Tracy's (21 again) big birthday. Unfortunately it was misty and heavily cloud-covered, but a good day all in all. Josh and Ellie were the youngest we saw climbing the mountain and made it up without much help. Sunday we were graced with lovely weather again and went walking to see a waterfall and to have lunch in the ruined Denbigh Castle. By ruined, it wasn't horrible. It was a picturesque place to have a spot of lunch and view the Welsh hills. So picturesque, that it doubled as the photo-background for three heavily made-up, short-shorts, tied-top 16 year olds who were getting some cheesy glamour shots done, complete with a smarmy, fat, middle-aged male photographer. There must not be much to do in the Welsh villages except build portfolios to become a page-3 model. Yikes!
Some structure, perhaps the miner's quarters, along the path up to the top of Snowdon.
Winning for Canada near the top of Snowdon
The Clan at Denbigh Castle
Reason two that I didn't make it to London, is that we are making progress with the other mountain Craig and I are climbing at the moment, called our house! The remodelling of our kitchen is well underway and we needed this weekend to go kitchen shopping. I hope to have some pictures for you in next month's report. In the meantime, we have been repainting the wood panelling in our bathroom and intend to put the finishing touches on this weekend.
Well, off to get some finishing touches and perhaps a half-price commemorative tea set if I can find one.