Just after we returned from our holiday in France, our friends the Nowells treated us to a Murder Mystery Evening on board the Severn Valley Railway. It was dinner and a bit of "theater" where there are actors on board the train that play out their scenarios over the course of your meal and journey; all of which is meant to be set in the 1940's. Well, not all of it... just the murder mystery itself; nonetheless, we still dressed up for the fun of it and looked damn good in doing so. The old steam train took us about an hour into the countryside to a little town with a preserved station and pub. We stopped off at the pub for 45 minutes to admire the scenery and scenes that took place on the platform, and then picked up non other than Inspector Poirot, re-boarded the train, and hazarded a guess as to who killed the lad in the head with the hammer (not Colonel Mustard in the lounge as neither were present on the train). It was a great evening out, with fabulous weather and the pleasant view of the countryside from the train.
The next three weekends consisted of races: Race for Life with Craig's mom Cheryl, her sister Sharon, and my sister-in-law Justine. I was meant to walk the 5km with them, but my competitive nature sprung in just before the start of the race and I couldn't resist running... eet's a race, after all. I ran the 5km in 23 minutes which wasn't bad for wearing my Le Tigres instead of practical trainers (running shoes).
The following week was the big race: first half marathon! And of course it did not go as planned! I was feeling reasonably well in the morning despite drinking a bottle of rose the night before by accident (as you do when you are helping out with your friend's wedding invitations) and I was on my way:
-I packed my race bag, took my MC vs the 20 quid I normally take because I didn't want the coinage I was going to get from the machine where I buy my train ticket.
-Got to the train station to buy my ticked to find out that my MC was blocked.
-Called card services; they told me to get to a Lloyds TSB ATM and unlock my PIN.
-Got off at a train stop that I didn't need a ticked for (oh yea, got on a train while I was on the phone without a ticked because I didn't want to be late) and literally RAN around the neighbourhood (in what I found out was the wrong direction this past week) looking for the correct ATM.
-Didn't fin it, so ran back to the train and got on (still without a ticket).
-Got off at New St. Station, willingly got a fine for travelling without a pass, and went to the ATM to find that my card was permanently blocked.
-Called my husband to pick me up because there was now no possible way of getting to the start without a car (let alone in time).
-Got a bit lost on the way (and endured a rant).
-Got dropped off near the start.
-Ran to the start, and arrived 15 minutes after the very last group of starters (staggered start because of the narrow footpath), but was VERY VERY grateful to see three others plus a marshal.
-Ran my heart out full of fury and angst and did reasonably well... I passed about 30 people on the way and finished with an official race time of 2hrs:11min:44sec!! It was hard and when people ask me if I will do it again, I would... although as soon as I finished I vowed not to. It's that competitive urge in me that want to do it again and do it better!
The following week I did another 10km race, really because the weather was nice and I had nothing better to do. I have been supporting a running club in a nearby town of Redditch called Arrow Valley Runners and have met some really great people through the club. I'm kind of an unofficial member because I can't make the actual training days, but I do the races with the group. That week the team won a club challenge for having so many participants and for the participants doing well in their categories! Good job ladies (and the few men).

I took last week off (deservedly, I feel) to rest up for my marathon dance session for my birthday with my girls! Note to anyone who wants to go to England... I think you must visit a Lloyds One Bar and be drinking vodka red bulls and/ or drink special cocktails all night long while you dance to re-mixed versions of chart toppers through the years. Guaranteed great night of fun and you are bound to see something that will keep you and your friends talking for the next few weeks. Or perhaps I was just feeling nostalgic about my first year on tour.
Well, that brings us up to this weekend where Craig and I will be getting up early to go to the CLA Game Fair at Ragley Hall on Saturday morning! It boasts the world's biggest country sports and outdoor pursuits event. Really Craig is going to top up his fishing gear while I pursue the cheese tasting and cookery demonstrations. I think the plan is to meet up at the dog show mid-afternoon. So, I will keep you updated on how that unfolds in the weeks to come.
I hope that the summer has been treating everyone well. The weather here has been exceptional and fingers crossed it remains that way!