I really cannot believe that it is actually mid May! Time is zooming! I should probably do some shout outs as the birthday season has begun... April: Leanna... all the best for a new chapter this summer and best of luck training your ass off. I have put my name down on the list for Olympic tickets, so you better be there! It was my friend Tracy's birthday two days before Craig's at the end of April and we did a joint celebration at a local comedy club. I can say that it wasn't really any different from going to the ones in Edmonton. The MC (Comp-Air they call it here) was FABULOUS and the acts were good and terrible. I bought Craig a new kite (you're how old?) for his birthday. I do admit that this isn't your ordinary paper kite with the bows on the tail, it is a power kite that lifts you off the ground if you aren't careful or are feeling particulary dangerous. Happy b-day to my dad, my aunt, and to Nadia in May. Good luck Nadia with getting your photography business up and running... check out
http://www.nlnstudios.com/ to see what Nadia has been up to. As well, Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the mom's in Canada. FYI: Mo-day is in March in the UK so I had to remember to buy my cards then because I realised I would't be able to buy any cards at the end of April. Now that's planning!
What else have I been planning lately? First camping trip of the season is coming up next week, so stay tuned to hear how that has gone. But for this one, like I promised a long time ago, picture diary! I was asked by Kym and Chelsey in Edmonton to take really ordinary pictures of "a day in the life..." back in December, so this is really overdue. I suppose better late than never, and looking back at some of the photos, it is nice to see how spring is coming along. Without furhter delay and in reverse/ no particular order...
A view on my way from Birmingham to Reading. This is the power station in a town called Didcot. Apart from the houses being made of brick, you would think this could be Springfield.
Jap-nap on the train. My colleagues have never heard of this term and I was explaining how Japanese tend to sleep on all forms of public transportation and never miss their stop. I also explained how I must have been Japanese in my past life because I (touch wood) have never slept through my stop.
The road that we live on.
Spring daffodils pop up everywhere! It amazed me the first time I saw them because the city does not take the effort to plant them, they just grow.
A row of terraced houses.
The English que for many things... like the bus.
Horrible pointy suade shoes.
Assembly point... where you gather outside if there is a fire in your building. The English signpost everything.
Bus with stairs... I am in a double decker.
Pedestrian walk-way in the parking lot.
Crocuses that also spring up naturally. They cover the entirety of a field.
Ye olde house on Reading University Campus.
Reading town hall.
Reading. (pronounced redding)
My train screen in the AM before I get on my traing. Yup... see the time.
Computer says no... How my dongle DOESN'T like to work for me.
My own Jap-nap.
Local train seats. Nobody there because it is 6:30am.

My local train station and destination.
That's all. Check my facebook page for more pictures coming soon.
Hope all is well and have a great May long weekend!