Month 3: What have I been up to? #1: New Job! Yay! Pretty much exactly what I wished to be doing. What do I do? Have you ever noticed the subtleties in a chocolate bar? For example, not only that it smells of chocolate, but it also has a hint of coconut or raisin? Do you think it had a taste of vanilla, or maybe plastic? A papery, yet caramel aftertaste? I work in sensory science, a subject that I took a liking to as soon as I was introduced in my final year at university. In a nutshell (is that almond, or hazelnut? Sorry!), I work with two and a bit handfuls of normal people who are able to notice these tiny differences and try to gather all of the aromas, flavours, etc that they perceive from the product that they are tasting. We do some discussion, validation and results interpretation to see how products compare. I am on my way to becoming an official sensory scientist!
I'm still loving England as it is still quite novel to be here... which I have been warned will wear off.
England- some favourites:
1. Accents- I like to listen to others and others like to listen to me. Every conversation I have with a new person is a novelty. For example, while talking to my bank on the phone the other morning, the very Scottish customer service rep was in love with me..."always a pleasure to hear an accent"; to which I replied, "aren't you the one with the accent". Our conversation ended with me having an increased credit limit and with him begging me to call back anytime! Of course, Craig did experience this effect whilst in Canada just as I seemed to have a heightened interest in any customer at the currency exchange that was British-sounding.
2. Betting- 2 pound bet with a return of 132 pounds. Not at all bad for watching 2 hours of football. Choose your score, choose your scorer. Don't you thing it would be more fun watching hockey if you could do the same? Choosing spreads just doesn't compare.
3. The Sunday afternoon tipple- yup, just as it sounds. Strategically the Brits have a feast called "Sunday Lunch" where you have a roast with all the fixings as early as 12.30 on a Sunday. This gives you the excuse to start drinking in the day, even earlier if you are cooking ;) But it isn't just Sunday Lunch, it is widely acceptable to go to the pub with your mates on a weekend afternoon (particularly if it is a gorgeous day) and get your drink on.
It's not that you wouldn't go around to your friends' house on a Sunday afternoon to watch the NFL or NASCAR and of course you would crack some brews, it is that you aren't looked down upon for doing it in England. Ad while I'm on the topic of booze, it is cheap (in comparison)! I can squeeze an extra bottle of wine in during the week for the same money I was spending at home in Edmonton. Not that I am drinking an extra bottle of wine a week... I promise.
4. The landscape: It's gorgeous; however, I am biased being from the prairies of Alberta. The
rolling hiss, clusters of trees, green grass (even now!), native daffodils coming up, and the pride of grooming a traditional garden makes for a refreshing glance out the window at any time of year.

5. Fashion- Of course there are more and less desirable styles here, just as there are in Canada. But I think what attracts me is that people aren't afraid to go bold: patterns, sparkle, flowers, bling... subtle is worn by a minority of people. As well, more people dress with purpose as if you wanted to impress your in-laws for the first time by not looking like a bag of rags... but it isn't a chore to dress in this manner, it is natural.
On that note, and with an example of a less than desirable combination of patterns, etc. I will leave you. I am still enjoying my time here and am especially excited for the next months as I continue with my job and the advancement of spring. However, I am starting to think that I have actually brought a bit of the Canadian winter with me because it is now mid-February and it has snowed again! There hasn't been this much snow in Britain for 50 some years. Enjoy cheering for Canada at the Olympics! certainly am here!